Dylan is one of the most respected big wave surfers and board shapers Australia has ever produced. Having faced his own mortality more than once with serious injuries, including neck breaks, almost drowning from broken ribs and a punctured lung, his role as an active adviser for blind surfer Matt Formston’s mission to ride the giant, dangerous waves of Nazaré was one he didn’t take lightly.
40-50 foot waves, speeds of 60km/h and a choppy surface require specialised big wave boards which are shaped, balanced and weighted to minimise ‘chatter’ in the nose, giving maximum control and trust for the surfer. Dylan worked closely with Matt to prepare him with the ideal boards for his style and size, so that he could feel completely confident when going for the ultimate big wave.
Matt’s feedback from initial outings was that the boards felt amazing, allowing him to take certain lines at speed, and have confidence to go bigger when the ideal conditions came.
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