What is Marine & Hull Insurance?
If your business operates in the marine industry, whether it builds vessels or transports cargo or people, you need an insurance policy that protects you from the overly costly financial impact of risks associated with operating within our waters.
Marine Cargo Insurance is designed for those engaged in the business of transporting goods across New Zealand and overseas, regardless of mode (land, sea, air). The policy covers cargo while it is in transit from point A to point B.
Commercial Hull Insurance is designed for businesses that own and operate commercial vessels like charter vessels, barges, ferries, etc. This policy covers the costs of damage to the vessel as well as the machinery and equipment inside it.
Marine Liability insurance covers the business's legal liability to third parties where negligence has occurred related to the operation of the vessel and/or actions of the crew.
Why is Marine & Hull Insurance important?
A mishap on the water can cause loss or damage to your commercial vessel, which can impact the ability of your business to operate, resulting in lost revenue and other expenses. Marine Hull insurance covers the cost of repairs and/or replacement of the vessel in the event of loss and/or damage.
Marine Liability insurance protects businesses from legal liability to third parties. This can include business operations such as Marina operators, Stevedores, terminal operators, shipbuilders and ship repairers, docking facilities, piers and pier facilities
Marine cargo insurance is important as it insures the value of your goods against loss and/or damage caused whilst in transit by any method of transport.
What does Marine & Hull Insurance cover?
Marine hull insurance covers all types of commercial vessels engaged in maritime activities operating in seas, oceans, lakes, and rivers. They include:
- Bulk carriers
- Barges
- Fishing boats
- Tankers
- Ships
- Yachts
Insurance Advisernet can source competitive terms for your Marine-related risks. Talk to one of our authorised representatives today and start removing obstacles to the growth of your business.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the meaning of marine hull insurance?
Commercial Hull Insurance is designed for businesses that own and operate commercial vessels like charter vessels, barges, ferries, etc. This policy covers the costs of damage to the vessel as well as the machinery and equipment inside it.
What is the difference between marine cargo and marine hull insurance?
Marine cargo insurance provides protection for consumer goods while they are being transported from one place to another, irrespective of means (land, sea, air). On the other hand, marine hull insurance insures vessels that are used for commercial purposes and includes coverage for machinery and equipment used in the vessel.
Which type of risk is covered by hull insurance?
Marine hull insurance should provide adequate coverage for the following:
- Physical loss of vessel and equipment
- Damage to a ship’s hull, machinery, and equipment