Introduction from IANZ
Hi Everyone,
We hope this finds you safe and well, and that spirits are lifting as we move towards business recovery in these challenging times. It’s been great for us to talk with so many of you over the past few weeks of lockdown as we’ve all adjusted to new ways of communicating with colleagues, clients, insurers, family and friends.
As we move through this period of change and adjust to our new normal we are able to increasingly focus on the future and in particular doing what we do so well, providing clients with professional advice. We have been In looking at ways to share industry news that’s specific to the NZ environment with you – things that are useful at work day-to-day or that may spark an idea, and insights that may assist in other areas of our lives, such as work-life balance. We’re therefore really pleased to be launching our own Insurance Advisernet NZ LinkedIn page. This is the place to also view updates and videos from people within the IANZ family and short articles and tips on issues of the day that you can share with your clients.
We hope you enjoy the stories. We want this page to work for you. If you have an idea of something (or someone!) you’d like to see featured, do let us know.
Please stay healthy, look after your families and remember the broader IANZ family continues to be here to support you – we’re only a phone call away.
Take care,
Travis, David, Sue and the IANZ team