Stratus Insurance Brokers Limited


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At Stratus our focus is crystal clear. Your long term financial freedom and security. As our client we consider you a partner. Our focus is to deeply understand your situation and needs so we can suggest and design an insurance package that takes care of everything for you. Understanding your risk and having the appropriate insurance cover in place leaves you worry free to get on with what matters most in life.

Our advice is completely personalised to you and your unique situation. Our trusted advisors work closely with you to assess your needs. Stability, expert advice and a bespoke service that truly goes above and beyond is what you can expect and rely on when working with Stratus to build your wealth and secure your future.

Neil Carter


As your appointed General Insurance Broker, we will:
  • Conduct an analysis of your risk/needs and recommend the most appropriate covers to protect your assets and liabilities
  • Provide alternatives on your risk retention through various excess options
  • Allow you to pay premiums in monthly instalments
  • Recommend the appropriate insurer to match the risk
  • Provide prompt and timely servicing of your general insurance needs to ensure you are adequately informed of issues that may affect your business.
  • Only recommend financially secure and stable insurers

L8, 114 The Terrace, Wellington, 6143